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Hiking trails

Tusnádfürdő – Lake Saint Anne (along river Komlós)
Trail sign: red cross
Trail length: 6.7 km, which takes 2.5-3 hours to complete.
It is a well-maintained track starting from the centre of Tusnádfürdő. The head of the trail is at the Apor and Mikes mineral springs, winding up the slopes along the Komlós river, as far as the col that links the two Csomád Peaks, from where it descends to the rest-house.


Tusnádfürdő – Vártető (Castle Top in English) – Saint Anne rest house – Tóbérce – Sepsibükszád
Trail sign: blue stripe. To Vártető: blue dot
Trail length: 14.7 km, which takes 5-6 hours to complete. Maximum elevation difference: 560 m. The trail requires proper physical stamina.


River Vargyas (at the intersection with the road) – Mohos heath – Saint Anne rest house
Trail sign: yellow triangle
Trail length: 5.5 km taking 1.5-2.5 hours to complete. Maximum elevation difference: 420 m. Accessible to all age groups, in any season.


Ciuc Frontier Inn – Lake Saint Anne – Saint Anne's chapel – Saint Anne rest house
Trail sign: blue cross.
Trail length: 6 km, taking 1.5-2.5 hours to complete. Maximum elevation difference: 430 m. It is a comfortable, pleasant walk in all seasons. Accessible for elderly tourists, as well.


Saint Anne rest house – Mohos heath – Nádasfürdő spa resort – Újtusnád (railway station)
Trail sign: red dot
Trail length: 14 km, taking 4.5-5.5 hours to complete. Maqximum elevation difference: 395 m. Accessible in all seasons.

Saint Anne rest house – Best Western Grand Hotel – Bálványosfürdő spa resort
Trail sign: yellow cross
Trail length: 8.5 km, taking 3-4 hours to complete. Maximum elevation difference: 245 m. This is the shortest footpath that links Lake Saint Anne with Bálványosfürdő. Accessible in all seasons.


Saint Anne rest house – Peak Cecele
Trail sign: blue cross
Trail length: 8.6 km, which takes 3.5-4 hours to complete. Moderate difficulty level. It can also be used by tourists heading for the Kászon Basin or for the Bálványos Basin.